Unit 3 - Asynchronous Part

Sitio: Aula Abierta - Facultad de Ingeniería
Curso: Cursado Inglés II / A2-2024 PROF. CLARA PERA
Libro: Unit 3 - Asynchronous Part
Imprimido por: Invitado
Día: lunes, 22 de julio de 2024, 14:13


Let's study vocabulary by visiting 3 different subsections.

1.1. Vocabulary - Part 1 (Unit 3A)


Let's practise useful vocabulary related to the airport here.

When you finish, continue to the next subsection...

1.2. Vocabulary - Part 2 (Unit 3B)

Verbs + Prepositions

There are some verbs that need a preposition to fulfill their meaning in speech. For example, think about the verbs go and listen. They generally take the preposition to in full sentences:

I never go to the supermarket on Mondays.

We like listening to rock music.

Now, consider this list of verbs that take a preposition in full sentences or expressions:

arrive in/at

wait for

depend on

agree with

ask for

invite someone to

pay for

speak to

speak with

spend money on

write to 

worry about

fall in love with 

meet in/on/at

think about/of

Now it's time to practise here. Then, continue to the next subsection.

1.3. Vocabulary - Part 3 (Units 6A and 6B)

Opposite Verbs and Verbs + Back

First, it's imporant to study opposite verbs. We'll do it here.

Second, it's good to know that sometimes we can add the word BACK after a verb. Example: Go and go BACK. Back can mean 'returning to an earlier starting point or situation' or 'moving to a point further away' or 'replying to something'.

Have a look at the activity below and try to sovle it. Then listen and check.